Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Toast!

To the New Year!

(before you call to report underaged drinking.....please note that they are consuming sparkling grape juice!)

I know that traditionally speaking this is the day for taking account of the year gone by and making a plan for the year ahead. I've given up doing so in the traditional sense of annually saying things like "I'm going to lose weight and get in shape this year." Everybody says stuff like that. Most of us don't make it past a few weeks at best. (Some years, it was more like a few days!)

What I do hope for 2008 is this: to live intentionally.

I want to make every effort to live an examined life. By that I mean to take time to reflect on words and actions....to consider the bigger picture....to try to see the world from a perspective that is not just my own.

Some things I think will help me do this: my journal and my camera. I want to write daily. And take at least one photo per day. I think the two will, at times, go hand in hand.

I want to stay connected to the people who are close to me. And reconnect with ones who aren't. (knowing full-well the messiness of that proposition given the fact that some aren't close due to issues which effect mental and emotional health, but that's a whole other entry!)

I want to knit. Read. Laugh. Cry. Play with children and babies. Listen to and encourage teens. Help others. Pray again. Enjoy nature. Travel. Listen to music. Create.

I know that resolution and goal "gurus" would HATE my list. It's non-specific and sloppy. They're not really resolutions or goals.

I don't care.

Have a wonderful 2008!

1 comment:

Minerva said...

Man! What a great blog entry! To live intentionally. Those are words to live by.
I was poking around on Ravelry and found your blog.
(churchill47 on Ravelry)