Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Having one of those days where I felt I should do something before my first interview at 9:30 am - either journal or blog. But not feeling terribly inspired when I sat down and looked at the screen.

So I decided to check in on some of my favorite blogs first and see what others were up to.

One friend has been sewing and posted a funny meditation on her blog. I think that laugh sparked my brain into first gear.

Looked at photos another on-line friend posted from his trip to Budapest. I have GOT to go to Europe some day, but for now I love traveling vicariously through seeing what others have seen.

Was reminded that this day, like every other, is filled with both beginnings. (Laurie is starting a garden at Crazy Aunt Purl) and endings (Yarn Harlot joined the on-line knitting community in grieving the death of Kay from Mason-Dixon Knitting's husband.)

When I landed at Cast On, I found Brenda's blog post to be just what I needed this morning. It's a great video from You Tube.

This song sums it up for me today!

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