Wednesday, November 04, 2009

On This Day in 1917

Today is my grandmother's 92 birthday. Here's a photo of her, my mother, my sister (the younger cutie on the left) and me (matching dress, on the right) ready to go to the Mother-Daughter banquet at church in May, 1970.

I believe my mom is using me to camoflauge the fact she is pregnant with my brother who was born in October of 1970.

My grandma is one of 13 children who survived, all of whom were older than her except for one sister. All of her siblings have passed away. She had three children of her own, my mother and her two brothers (one now deceased). Altogether grandma has six grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.

Happy 92nd Birthday!


McVal said...

What a great picture! You and sis were adorable!
Was this the same Grandma who tried to stuff us that one night we were in the Loess hills to watch a game?

McVal said...

Oh and Happy Birthday to Grandma by the way!

Caffeine Girl said...

Happy birthday to your grandma.

I love the picture. It is just so 1970's. And the three generations of girls is precious!