Tuesday, June 22, 2010

KC & The Sunshine

I went to Kansas City last Friday-Saturday. This is the full extent of my photos from said trip:

Yeah, I took the camera with me and didn't shoot a single frame. Lame, I know.

I did get quite a lot of knitting done on the state fair mittens. As I have only the second thumb left to do, I plan on finishing that off tonight and then photographing them...so stay tuned for pictures.

Just before I left for KC, however, I got an email from Quayside publishers in regards to Annie Modesitt's newest book, 1000 Fabulous Knitted Hats. I am one of the contributors to the book! Here's a peek at the cover:

They are using a photo of the knotty-cable rimmed beanie I did in the maroon yarn a couple years ago. You can find the pattern here. (If you stop by to get the pattern because you saw it in the book, please leave a comment!!)

Needless to say, that put some sunshine in my day(s)!!

Happy knitting!


McVal said...

How cool is that?! You're published!
And I waited for a few seconds thinking maybe the picture just needed to load...

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Very nice ! I'm looking forward to taking a peek at the hat book.